Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch Your Countenance

Good afternoon!! It's Tuesday and what a beautiful day it is again outside!! I wanted to share briefly with you today about our countenance and the expression we should wear on our face at all times, especially since we call ourselves "Christians."

When the world looks at us, they need to see something about us that is different from them. Even more so today, we Christians blend in with the world way too much. This is the majority of the world's perception on Christians..."Oh, you're a Christian?? What's that supposed to mean?? You act like every one else does that's not a Christian."  So, what would make a non-church goer or a person who is not saved want what we have and want to even try church out or give Christianity a chance? We HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT. Since the world can't read our minds or see into our hearts, our countenance is the only way we can show them that we have something they do not have but really want and need.  Start with your facial expressions.

I believe we look better when we worship God. Worship puts a smile on our face.  It is very hard to keep a scowl on our face while we are being thankful, praising, and worshipping God. If we regularly do these things, our countenance will carry His presence, not the expression of inner frustration and turmoil. Christians are supposed to be joyful people who walk in love and constantly let their "light" shine for every one around them. Stop walking around like you lost your best friend or your world is coming to an end. We need to "stand out" no matter what we are feeling inside. Let God's love penetrate through you today and show forth in everything you say and do...and WEAR IT ON YOUR FACE, as my mother used to always say to me:)

Jesus' countenance was changed on the mountain as He was transfigured. Our countenance is simply the way we look. It is refering to our FACE!  One of the blessings that was pronounced upon God's people was that God's face would shine upon them and that He would lift up His countenance upon them. So today...TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN:)

...And ask yourself this..."Would people know that I am a Christian by looking at my coutenance most of the time?"

Have a great day!!

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