Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Being a Reflection of God's love

Good morning!! Because this is the month of February, we are focusing on love. I believe that a big characteristic of a loving person is one who is able to forgive...always. That is a big reflection of God's love.  Forgiveness is so hard for so many people because they've been hurt so badly and have been treated so unjustly that they cannot find it in their heart to forgive. When we mess up and disobey God, He is always right there to forgive us. That is exactly how we should be with others. Now that doesn't mean we have to be best friends with them or hang out with them constantly. It just means we need to forgive them regardless of what they have done. Wouldn't we want the same treatment?

Forgiving that person that hurt you will release you from all those negative feelings you have all the time and it will on a postivie note, bring a lot of glory and honor to God. Jesus taught us by example to forgive those who hurt us, pray for those who spitefully use us, and bless those who curse us. (Matthew 5:44) The Bible also tells us we are blessed when we forgive.

We are a reflection of God's love because all of our sins have been forgiven through Jesus. -1 John 2:12.  We should love our enemies and do good to those who hate us. -Luke 6:26. In Romans 12:19 it says we should let God take revenge. We shouldn't be the ones trying to get even.

Whenever my husband and I take a few times a week to sit down and pray together and have our family altar, we always ask for the Lord's forgivness and for cleansing us and purifying our hearts. We also pray for our enemies and those that speak badly against us. In Mark 11:25, it says "When I stand praying, if I hold anything against anyone, I forgive him, so that my Father in heaven may forgive my sins. I encourage you to pray for those that have done you wrong and ask the Lord to give them a loving heart and to change them from the inside out.

I know this is hard. I have been there. I have been treated unfairly. I have treated others without love. But we have to take responsibility by also asking others for forgivness and showing them love, just as we'd want them and our Heavenly Father to do for us. So today, I encourage you to forgive, because there is nothing more painful than living with your heart full of hate. Do not sink to the enemy's level anymore!! Choose today to release yourself from bitterness and start enjoying your life!!!! Thank God today for using you to reflect the perfect love of His Son and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Have an awesome day!!

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