Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Watch Your Countenance

Good afternoon!! It's Tuesday and what a beautiful day it is again outside!! I wanted to share briefly with you today about our countenance and the expression we should wear on our face at all times, especially since we call ourselves "Christians."

When the world looks at us, they need to see something about us that is different from them. Even more so today, we Christians blend in with the world way too much. This is the majority of the world's perception on Christians..."Oh, you're a Christian?? What's that supposed to mean?? You act like every one else does that's not a Christian."  So, what would make a non-church goer or a person who is not saved want what we have and want to even try church out or give Christianity a chance? We HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT. Since the world can't read our minds or see into our hearts, our countenance is the only way we can show them that we have something they do not have but really want and need.  Start with your facial expressions.

I believe we look better when we worship God. Worship puts a smile on our face.  It is very hard to keep a scowl on our face while we are being thankful, praising, and worshipping God. If we regularly do these things, our countenance will carry His presence, not the expression of inner frustration and turmoil. Christians are supposed to be joyful people who walk in love and constantly let their "light" shine for every one around them. Stop walking around like you lost your best friend or your world is coming to an end. We need to "stand out" no matter what we are feeling inside. Let God's love penetrate through you today and show forth in everything you say and do...and WEAR IT ON YOUR FACE, as my mother used to always say to me:)

Jesus' countenance was changed on the mountain as He was transfigured. Our countenance is simply the way we look. It is refering to our FACE!  One of the blessings that was pronounced upon God's people was that God's face would shine upon them and that He would lift up His countenance upon them. So today...TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN:)

...And ask yourself this..."Would people know that I am a Christian by looking at my coutenance most of the time?"

Have a great day!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Emotions Vs. Transformation

Good Morning!! Today is Friday, the end of the work week and it's going to not only be a wonderful day but also a wonderful weekend...really beautiful weather on the horizon! I am excited about what God is doing in our church and in the lives of the people around us.

I wanted to share briefly today what I feel the difference of being emotional is over being transformed when we leave our church every week. Ever felt the presence of God so strong in a service or been touched and really had your life changed and then walk out the doors of your church and carry-on the same way you do every day as if nothing is new, nothing has changed?? Ever hear a powerful message that you said, "That was for me today. God was speaking to ME!?"  Or, have you ever said to yourself that this was it; you were going to change your lifestyle or maybe become fully involved in your church and give up all your old ways and then turn around and not do anything about it???  I can probably bet that every single one of us has said that a time or two in our lives:) I have said it before and then done zero...zip...nada about it!

Jesus is wanting us to leave fully transformed and not keep living life every day moved by our emotions. There is two different ways for us to live, I believe. The first way is the narrow way that leads to LIFE and the second way is the broad way that leads to DESTRUCTION. Going down the broad way, there is lots of bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, vindicitiveness and all that stuff we don't need in our lives. But, on the narrow way there is only one room for the Spirit.

Of course the flesh way, the broad way seems like the easiest way.  That is the way our emotions will take us, the easy way. But wisdom moves us to take the hard way that leads to life. I've heard my husband say countless times that whatever we've gone through in our lives, whether it be abandonement by our spouses, abuse by our parents, hurt from our children, pain from the past...IF WE WILL STAY ON THAT NARROW PATH THAT LEADS TO LIFE AND LEAVE ALL OUR EXCESS BAGGAGE BEHIND, sooner or later we will find the peace, joy and fulfillment that God has for us.

Jesus is the only way and He has shown us the way in which we are to walk by sending us His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will lead, guide and direct us in the way we are to go, leading us on that narrow path to transformation, not the emotional way that Satan will lead us which is to destruction and mess!

In closing, Galatians 6:9 in the Message says, "Let us not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people chosest to us in the community of faith."

The question is: Which way will you choose??

Next time you go to a service and God speaks directly to you and you feel touched, don't let your emotions take over and walk you right out of the door the same person. Let the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and your constant prayer change you from the inside out. It's a challenge sometimes to walk the narrow path, but the reward is AMAZING!!

Be blessed today in your coming in and your going out:)

Jennifer Mushegan

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Being a Reflection of God's love

Good morning!! Because this is the month of February, we are focusing on love. I believe that a big characteristic of a loving person is one who is able to forgive...always. That is a big reflection of God's love.  Forgiveness is so hard for so many people because they've been hurt so badly and have been treated so unjustly that they cannot find it in their heart to forgive. When we mess up and disobey God, He is always right there to forgive us. That is exactly how we should be with others. Now that doesn't mean we have to be best friends with them or hang out with them constantly. It just means we need to forgive them regardless of what they have done. Wouldn't we want the same treatment?

Forgiving that person that hurt you will release you from all those negative feelings you have all the time and it will on a postivie note, bring a lot of glory and honor to God. Jesus taught us by example to forgive those who hurt us, pray for those who spitefully use us, and bless those who curse us. (Matthew 5:44) The Bible also tells us we are blessed when we forgive.

We are a reflection of God's love because all of our sins have been forgiven through Jesus. -1 John 2:12.  We should love our enemies and do good to those who hate us. -Luke 6:26. In Romans 12:19 it says we should let God take revenge. We shouldn't be the ones trying to get even.

Whenever my husband and I take a few times a week to sit down and pray together and have our family altar, we always ask for the Lord's forgivness and for cleansing us and purifying our hearts. We also pray for our enemies and those that speak badly against us. In Mark 11:25, it says "When I stand praying, if I hold anything against anyone, I forgive him, so that my Father in heaven may forgive my sins. I encourage you to pray for those that have done you wrong and ask the Lord to give them a loving heart and to change them from the inside out.

I know this is hard. I have been there. I have been treated unfairly. I have treated others without love. But we have to take responsibility by also asking others for forgivness and showing them love, just as we'd want them and our Heavenly Father to do for us. So today, I encourage you to forgive, because there is nothing more painful than living with your heart full of hate. Do not sink to the enemy's level anymore!! Choose today to release yourself from bitterness and start enjoying your life!!!! Thank God today for using you to reflect the perfect love of His Son and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Have an awesome day!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Your True Value

Good Friday Morning!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far. Just wanted to share a couple quick thoughts with you today from the heart.
"Now therefore, if you will obey My voice and truth and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own peculiar possesion and treasure from among and above all peoples; for all the earth is Mine." -Exodus 19:5
In Exodus 19:5, the Lord tells His people that they are His own peculiar possession and treasure. That word applies to us today as much as it did to the children of Israel.  In John 3:18, Jesus told Nicodemus that no one who believes in Him will ever be condemned.
You may not feel treasured or even acceptable but you are.  In Ephesians 1:6 (KJV) Paul says that all of us who believe in Christ have been "accepted in the beloved."  That should give us a sense of personal value and worth.
I've heard a lot of people, including myself at some points in my life, talk about themselves and put themselves down. According to what we just read in the scripture, you have no right to hate yourself. God paid a high price for us and our freedom. He loves us so much that He sent His only son to die for us, to suffer in our place. You have no right to hate or reject yourself. Your part is to receive what Jesus died to give you!!
Sometimes it takes a strong word to get us to realize the trap that Satan has set for us. So let me give you a strong word: YOU ARE VALUABLE! Otherwise, your Heavenly Father would not have paid such a heavy price for your redemption. So who are you to say you're nothing when God has placed such a high value on your life?!
I challenge you to see yourself as our precious Lord and Savior sees us. Be blessed today in your coming in and going out! I encourage you to come out Sunday for our brand new series in February titled "Love Bomb!" It's gonna be awesome:)
Jenny Mushegan