Monday, March 7, 2011


Good morning everyone!! The weekend is officially over and we have a fresh opportunity to start this week off right! Today is Monday and it's going to be an awesome day! Why? Because we're going to purpose in our hearts that it's GOING TO BE A GREAT DAY!! You're probably wondering why the headline is "Get addicted!" Aren't addictions bad things? Not necessarily... Well, we need to get addicted on the RIGHT STUFF and for starters, that's peace. Get addicted to Peace!!! If your kids ticked you off this morning, you husband made you mad (by eating the last Samoa Girl Scout cookie) , the shower was cold, you forgot to pay your mortgage, the dog went to the bathroom on the carpet or you spilled coffee on your shirt, LET IT ALL GO! Peace, be with you today....

Many of us cannot hear from God becuase we have too much turmoil in our lives. Our insides are like a freeway during rush-hour traffic! Some people literally do not know how to be peaceful; it's as if they are actually addicted to turmoil! They keep things agitated and stirred up, seemingly on purpose. In fact, they get comfortable living in a complete state of chaos! In John 14:27, it says "I'm telling you these things while I'm still living with you.  The Friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send at my request, will make everything plain to you. He will remind you of all the things I have told you. I'm leaving you well and whole. That's my parting gift to you. Peace. I don't leave you the way you're used to being left--feeling abandoned, bereft. So don't be upset. Don't be distraught."  Folks, living in turmoil is not a normal state, surely not the state God wants us to be living in.

First thing this morning I was rattled by something I had no control over. That's when I stopped myself and reminded myself that before I get out of bed in the morning, I need to grab my bible and/or my devotional and start the morning off with Him and declare peace over me and my family's life and declare that it's going to be a great day; that I'm not going to let anything or anybody steal my joy or my peace! Don't become so accustomed to having something so major going in your life all the time. Focus on getting peace for yourself!

In Romans 3:17 it says, "And they have no experience of the way of peace."  [they know nothing about peace, for a peaceful way they do not even recognize]

If you are sitting here today saying, "I've never had peace in my life. I've never experienced true peace. I've grown up in an atmosphere of strife and I don't know where to begin! This is all I've ever known. I have to learn an entirely new way of living."  If this is you today, I want to encourage you to follow Jesus and He said that if we follow Him and keep our minds fixed upon Him, He will give us peace. (free of charge:-))  -Referencing again to John 14:27

As soon as you see your peace disappear, ask yourself how you lost it and start looking for ways to get it back. I am believing with you that as you read this you will become so incredibly hungry for peace with God, peace with yourself, and peace with others that you will be willing to make whatever adjustments you need to make in order to have it.

* I challenge you to start believing that you will begin to follow peace at all times, because it is then that peace will lead you into the perfect will of God.

Have an awesome day. Be a witness wherever you go; whatever you do.